Hunting memories of Regrettable love 3

..Flashback (former world)..


Lenny subconsciously stretched his hand.


However, apart from a wet feeling on the sheets, he did not feel anything else.


Instinctively, his eyes opened sharply at this.


He rose from the bed.


On the white sheets was a patch of red flowers.


One look at it, and he understood that this was truly Catherine's first time.


She had given him her first.


He sighed lowly at the loss of innocence.


However, it was still proof of her deep, undying love for him.


Just then, he realized something.


Where was she?


He stood up from the bed, but a sharp headache sent him back.


"Fuck! For how long was I out?"


He checked his phone. The time was 3:33.


"Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!!" He had a bad feeling about this.


He was an assassin, and he had really good senses.