A War On Ciri 5

After Ciri was sure that she had enough, she placed a blood-red stone in the center of the Altar.


This Altar was made of twelve Pillars, each of which had come out of the ground.


Eleven of these pillars were of the same size, while the last one was not.


It was far bigger and more robust than the others. All the pillars were long and high.


At least eighteen feet in height.


On the bodies of the Pillars were Runic symbols.


These Runic symbols were all tiny, surrounding a Bigger one.


The moment that the Red stone was placed in the center, the entire atmosphere seemed to come to life.


A luminous red line traced from the red stone to the pillars, like Arteries carrying blood to the rest of the body.


Slowly, the Runic symbols on the pillars began to absorb the glowing red that came from the stone.