The Problem with Secrets

"Hector... I... I am so sorry. For so long, all of these years, I wanted to tell you. But I couldn't... I was younger at the time. It was not intentional... I did not know I would grow to love you."


Athena tried to explain. However, she did not know that at the moment, the voice of chaos coming from inside his head drowned her own.


Hector could not hear her. Even if he wanted to, he could not.


The whisper in his mind fed on the pain and hate he felt, building and growing exponentially.


Slowly, it consumed him.


Unknowingly, one of his eyes turned a shade of red.


However, he tried to hold it back.


Now, he was not just fighting the pain of the realization that had just kicked him in the face and the disappointment that came with it, but he was also fighting the foreboding chaos inside, begging him to devour it all.