Whisper of a Primordial Beast

~knock~ knock ~knock~


"Lenny, come out. You need to see this." Perseus knocked harshly on the door.


Lenny opened his eyes a bit, pissed about the interruption.


After all, according to his passive ability, Presence, there was no danger out there.


Nevertheless, a quick peek at what Perseus had to show him was not a crime.


The ship had stopped moving.


Lenny stepped out of his weathered cabin onto the barren deck of the ship.


As his boots crunched on the parched sands of the desert, he cast his gaze across the vast expanse before him. What he beheld left him utterly spellbound.


The ship stopped at the side of a large, deep valley.


A valley because of its length, stretching all the way to the horizon. If not, it was easier to just call it a 'Hole'.