Lenny Vs Jungle Heads 7

However, Rhino's tears slowly calmed down as he turned towards Lenny. "I'm going to..."


He paused in surprise. Lenny was gone.


Immediately, his nose twitched, and he turned in a certain direction.


Lenny had gone in that direction.


With a smack on the ground, he jumped into the air for Lenny.


He landed in the audience stand and then rushed for him.


Lenny was not so fast, he had sustained too many injuries all over his body.


And every step he took was a jolt of teeth-clenching pain through his body, but he had to do it.


He had to move.


"System, channel as much poison fluid into my mouth."



Rhino head chased closely. "LENNY TALES!"


His scream echoed throughout the arena, hoarse and deep, an expression of blazing anger.


His robust frame burst through the stand, bashing walls as he moved.