Reward in bed (Bonus chapter)

Just then, Lenny heard a voice in his ear, even though there was no one around.


"So you took the deal, HUH!?"


Lenny instantly knew it was Duncan.


"Oh, really, I didn't notice!" Lenny answered sarcastically.


Duncan's laughter reached his ears. "Good! You have a nice sense of humor. It means that you won't bore me out. Training starts at the rise of the morning sun, two days from now."


"Where!" Lenny asked.


"Oh, don't worry about that, I'll pick you up!"


Lenny nodded. However, he looked at the cigar in his mouth.


"Hey! Could you help me a little?"


Instantly, the cigar butt was ignited.


Lenny took a drag in and out of his lungs, enjoying the flavor.


"Damn, Father Black really knows the good stuff," he commented.


He sat up right once more and waved his hand, sending the corpse of Rhino head into his storage unit.