Lenny chuckled lightly. "Let me guess. You are thinking, 'Why hasn't this bastard come to save me?' Well, I hate to break it to you, but I do believe you have misplaced a lot of things. COMMON SENSE is one of them!

Look around you. Where do you think you are, the City of Milk and Honey? Well, that is next door, but still. It might as well be a million miles away right now.

This is the fucking Wastelands. Out here, brother eats brother, and mothers get pregnant just to sell off their own babies for a little meat. Or, in many cases, get pregnant just to eat their meat.

What the fuck makes you think you are so special?

Son of an Alpha, child of your mother? Hahaha! What a divine joke! Your existence right now is only as valuable as the next shit on the roadside."

As Lenny talked, the old woman continued her work ever judiciously and without interruptions.