Enjoy the Show 3

The cave, once a sanctuary of darkness, was now a gruesome scene of carnage. The walls were stained with the ichor of giant red ants, their crushed bodies leaving a foul odor that hung thick in the air. The ground squelched beneath the werewolves' paws, a nauseating mixture of ant remains and sticky fluids that clung to their fur.

The fallen ants, their bodies torn asunder, lay in grotesque disarray. Limbs and antennae littered the ground like a nightmarish collage. Puddles of viscous liquid pooled around them, emitting a putrid stench that made the werewolves' eyes water and their nostrils burn.

Ulric, his fur matted with ant gore, let out a guttural growl as he surveyed the macabre sight. The sheer brutality of the battle was etched across his face, his eyes alight with a primal ferocity. Beside him, Gadu, his once-pristine robes now stained and tattered, clenched his fists, his jaw set in grim determination.