Training using Runes

"Satan System, bring out the Practice dummies," Lenny ordered. 

The Screen suddenly changed and an holographic projection of different organisms appeared. Most of them were beasts and a few holographic projection of humans and demons. 

In front of them were settings for each and all. These settings had basically everything. lenny could change their physical characteristics as much as he wanted. he could add or remove limps. 

He could replace them with tentacles, claws and even mandibles. he was permitted to create whatsoever abomination that he wanted at as he saw fit. 

But that was not all, The training ground of the Satan system gave a real life experience when it came to training. This meant that he could give his foes abilities at random. Of course, the list for this was practically infinite. 

Secondly, he could make them of any rank at all. 

Of course, that was currently restricted to the peak of the Great Demon realm.