The Hell beast is...

Lenny was moved by the sudden shake and stormy vibrations, and he came out of his hiding spot in order to see what was going on.

In this dystopian twilight where shadows danced like malevolent spirits, there was suddenly a behemoth, a titan wrought from the nightmares of the world.

  Its colossal form, a meld of sinew and scale, rippled with muscles that shifted beneath its obsidian skin like molten rivers of anguish. Each step it took reverberated through the very bones of the Earth, a seismic symphony that shook the ground and rattled the heavens, sending tremors in all directions.

Its eyes, twin orbs of smoldering fury, glowed like dying embers, casting an eerie, blood-red light that sliced through the dense darkness. Fangs, longer than scimitars, jutted from its gaping maw, jagged and sharp as the cruel hands of fate. With every exhalation, its breath billowed out in sulfurous clouds, choking the air with the stench of decay and despair.