Awaiting His Arrival 2

Because of their rivalry, Lady Vinegar and Agnes sat in the same VIP spot.

It would be a shame if they could not look at the faces of one another and give gleeful smiles at the misery of the other depending on who was winning.

However, right now, it was definitely not Lady Vinegar. 

The fact that Lenny had not shown up was very discouraging, and Agnes by her side, did not let the opportunity to taunt pass her by.

"Hey, I thought you said that he was training hard?

Did he maybe Train himself to Death...Hehehe!" Agnes giggled shyly. "Is it true Vinegar? Did you perhaps give your heart to a gladiator trash... You know, now that I think about it, after what happened when I and my brother arrived, your love toy must have shaken to his boots in fear. I bet he is hiding under his bed at this moment missing the taste of your mammary gland in his infant mouth." 

She giggled loudly again.