Holder of the Greed System

"I am Vice from the Royal Mammon Family of Avarice, and You Lenny Tales, have all that is MINE!"

Lenny Raised a brow at this. He could not help but believe that he was responding to a clown. 

Till this moment, Vice had not shown himself.

However, Lenny suddenly got an Alert from the Satan System that made him stare in disbelief. 

Lenny could not believe what he had just heard. 

He could not help but look at the alert again. 

"From the look on your face, I can tell that your System just alerted you of my presence," Vice snickered. "Without a doubt, it is very weak. Mine knew of your presence the moment I entered the City of Milk and Honey." 

hearing this, Lenny frowned some more. 

He was not at all weak. But right now, he was about to face a person with the same kind of grace that he carried.