The Fall Of Adam And Eve

Seeing his friend like this, Lucifer was hurt to his core, and truly he did feel pity for Adam. 

However, his greed to keep Adam for just himself covered his eyes from the realization of the truth. 

And so he would still come to play with Adam and hang out from time to time. He would try to cheer up Adam as best as he could. 

Although it did not seem to be working, lucifer did not mind. After all, they would have thousands to millions of years together. He was sure that he would eventually come around. 

However, the one above all understood Adams loneliness and therefore sought a way to help him yet again. 

But he was going to do things differently this time around. 

After all, the last time he gave Adam people like him, made from dust, they did not stay, and instead they fell from grace.