The Battle 'Temporarily' Drops Its Curtains

Duncan's harsh frown etched deeply into his features as he pivoted around, commanding a departure from the tumultuous battlefield. However, the abrupt realization struck him like a cosmic bolt when he observed the undead commander remaining steadfast, unaffected by his directive.

Puzzled, Duncan addressed the commander again, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "Did you not hear me? I said, let's..."

Before he could conclude his sentence, a disconcerting sound, a sharp *SLUSH*, echoed through the air. It was a noise so visceral that it instantly seized Duncan's attention. A surreal tableau unfolded before him as he glanced down, and the world seemed to blur into slow motion.

The sight that met Duncan's eyes was both shocking and confounding. A blade, ethereal and radiant with purple cosmic energy, had pierced through his chest, puncturing his heart with merciless precision.