Not The First Time

Lenny, blood-soaked and battered, managed to crack into a chuckle amid Athena's emotional outpouring. Gazing at his own heart, he did something unexpected—something that startled Athena and reignited an old fear she had nearly forgotten. 

With a surprising nonchalance, Lenny crushed his own heart in his hands. 

The organ yielded like a water balloon, squished without regard, as if it were a mere annoyance that needed venting. 

This act, more than the physical wounds, invoked a sense of dread in Athena—a reminder of the unpredictable, courageous human who dared challenge even demons.

As Lenny crushed his own heart, a macabre spectacle unfolded. 

For a brief moment, the heart ceased its rhythmic pulsations, a silent proclamation of potential death.