Weapons against the Undead

Which brings us yet again with another option..."

she waved her hand and a lab assistant stepped forward with a tray carrying different tubes, some in glasses and others in clay containers that had a bunch of different substances within. 

Nikky stood before the gathered leaders, holding a test tube filled with Hydrofluoric acid. Her eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she explained the properties of the corrosive substance.

"This is Hydrofluoric acid," she began, her voice resonating with confidence. "It's corrosive, capable of destroying tissue, bone, and even glass. HF readily penetrates human skin, allowing it to decalcify bone and destroy soft tissues underneath. It's a powerful tool."

Crusher, leaning against a nearby table, chuckled skeptically. "Planning to use that on the undead, are you? If those shells are as tough as you say, that won't be enough."