The Spectacle of The Number 1 Assassin

Agent 'X', though taken aback by the spectacle of Lenny's miraculous escape, was no stranger to high-stakes situations. His position as the number 2 assassin demanded a sharp mind and an ability to quickly analyze and adapt. 

As the shock subsided, his perceptive nature took over, dissecting the events that had just unfolded before his eyes. He replayed the scene over and over in his mind, each time gaining a clearer understanding of Lenny's actions.

Finally, with a newfound comprehension, Agent 'X' raised his head towards Lenny, articulating his realization. "You sacrificed your arm to save your life. At the exact moment when the chainsaw cut through your hand, it also cut through the strap holding you down. At that exact moment, you wriggled out of the other strap and with an explosive force kicked against the ground to safety." There was a grudging respect in his voice, a recognition of Lenny's quick thinking and incredible resolve.