Justice For Athena

As Lenny stood amidst the aftermath of his incredible display of power, he noticed Jasper bowing in worship before him. Old Meg, too, was there, his expression one of awe and disbelief. The legends and tales of Lenny's might, his defiance against the demons, had circulated far and wide, but witnessing such raw power firsthand was a different experience entirely. It was a moment that bridged the gap between myth and reality.

Amidst the quiet that followed the battle, a series of weak coughs pierced the air. They came from Athena, gravely injured and lying on Lenny's shoulder. 

The transition from the Nether realm to the earthly plane had brought back the stark reality of her condition. In the Nether, the concept of death was foreign, but here, in this world, it loomed large and imminent. 

Athena's lower body was gone, her form ravaged by untold suffering and abuse. As she coughed up blood, it was clear that her life was ebbing away.