Slowly Rising In The East

In waterfall city. The city once ruled by the Great demon Cuban, but now an empty caricature of its former glory, turned into a giant city of mechanical proportions with one rule in mind. 

Of course, it was none other than the creation of babies. 

Demon advancement in technology was one any civilization would envy and they perfected it daily, a tireless, relentless pursuit at perfection, all done with the aid of Darkline magic.

The mechanical city itself on this particular day gave off two things. One was the black bloody smoke in the air that came from its biggest furnace and the second was the screams of pain, cries from millions of infants. 

Cuban sat on a throne at the edge of a high balcony. His eyes steadily watched the activities below as his fingers played a rhythm on the armrest.

Domani, his Reptilian looking wife stood at his side. Her demeanor was as striking a pose as ever.