The Devil Takes His Leave

Coco defended the attack that came his way with the devil he summoned. 

Naturally, it was destroyed from just that one attack. 

Lenny, Victor and Coco all landed on the black earth. 

Now, Lenny had the opportunity to see this place properly. 

The sky above was not dark, but not bright with light either. 

Instead, it was covered with red clouds and the lightning that flashed occasionally was also red. 

Even though the blood rain never stopped, the black ground some how remained dry. 

Lenny quickly noticed this. 

This world was more abnormal than he had thought it was. 

Secondly, from the moment his feet touched the earth, he felt a very strange energy. 

if he was to put words to it, then it would be that it was a collision of different magic. 

Of course darkline magic was evident. This was most likely from the blood that fell from the sky, from the sacrifices and offerings made by the demons of the city.