Lenny Is Back

Amidst the cacophony of war that raged below, a chilling command resonated through the ranks of the undead, emanating from the Undead Commander perched atop a formidable undead primordial beast—Crimson Seraph's corpse.

This creature, a nightmare incarnate with a hundred eyes, became the focal point of dread for those who dared oppose the undead horde. 

Its eyes, each a well of dark, malevolent energy, ignited in unison, casting an eerie purple glow that pierced the dim battlefield. With a sinister synchrony, the beast reared, channeling the eldritch power at its command, and unleashed a devastating beam of concentrated energy into the sky.

Victor had assumed the attack was for him and dodged the attack in the air. But seeing the smile on the face of the undead commander, he frowned as he turned about, only to realize what was happening.