Lenny Vs Morgana Again 2

The person before Lenny was Morgana. 

But not Morgana with the Pink hair after being affected by Chaos magic. This morgana was E666. The smallish black haired girl that had offered him sensual relations for points. 

"I am here to get you!" he stated. 

However, she shook her head, "I don't want to go. It..." her eyes revealing her pain as she embraced herself, "...hurts out there. I rather stay here. In here, I have you..." she took a peak at him, "At least the you that wants to have me back." she added.

Lenny nodded, "I know. and I know how this paths leads." he stretched a hand to her, "its not as horrible out there any more."

However, she did not take his hand.

"A world without you is!" She admitted her worry. "Besides, even If you want to leave now, you can't. This place was designed to keep you here with me. It is my special ability."