Lucifer's Cup Bearer

Lenny waved his hand and the tube containing hector within floated towards him. 

"Do not hurt him," Coco suddenly spoke up. 

"Hurt him!?" Lenny shook his head, "there is no need for that. However, I understand why you brought him here." 

On Saying this, Lenny waved his hand and Red lightning struck the Sphere containing the devil heart. the process was endurimng but eventually, the Sphere broke open.


The entire place was suddenly filled with a cloud of black-chaotic smoke. It sent dust and stone into the air, and it made the atmosphere chilly. 

Lenny's hair blew behind him, but he was not moved by this. Instead, he spoke up, "there are still six hundred and sixty six pillars in your body. Hide your power, and let me take them out for you."

His words were subtle, but the Black smoke suddenly subsided. Apparently, lenny's words had reached him.