Lenny's Only Choice

"Bravo, Master's chosen," Uriel the Angel proclaimed, his voice resonating with a solemn weight as he unveiled the truth.

"You've uncovered what we in the celestial realms refer to as 'the snare,' yet you mortals name it FATE." With those words, Uriel descended to his knees, a spectacle of divinity bowing before mortality.

Lenny watched, spellbound, as the angel's essence began to unravel, the ethereal threads of fate causing his soul to erode.

Without a hint of his previous indifference, Lenny declared, "You're dying." His voice bore no hostility, only a grave acknowledgement of Uriel's fate.

Uriel responded with a weak laugh, "My destiny was sealed ages ago. The royal lineage of Asmodeus has left its mark on me. Imprisoned within the confines of Judas for an eternity, I've expended too much. I've condensed what little strength I had left so that..."