The Universal Rule Of 3, 6 and 9.

"Good! In that case, why don't you and I strike a proposal. After all, you are a Major god, and will not be able to access that plane on your own."

"What do you think of this?" Loki asked.

If Demeter was in her physical form, she would have raised a brow at this, "Loki, everyone knows you are not to be trusted."

"True! But in this, my interest is tied, and we both know how the other gods feel about mankind as of late. Finding an ally that will not report you to Odin is next to none. i am the only choice you have."

There was a bit of silence between the two of them, and then she spoke again, "what do you have in mind?" 

Loki chuckled a bit more, "as you know, I do not have a sub plane, and therefore no host of past worshippers. Give me an army and see as the mortal king worships you in thanks." 

Demeter took several steps back. She sighed as she fell in thought.