His cry

Lady vinegar searched as wild as she could. If this was back on earth, she would have long found the child. No! He would not have been taken in the first place. 

But Each sub plane was special in its own right and played with its guests the way it wanted. Unfortunately, this Sub plane exerted tremendous pressure on her body, and on her Cosmic energy. 

Regardless, she had come to love the boy and her search for him was a relentless struggle. A mother for her son. 

Meanwhile, within the cave, the three demons, reptilian in nature were set to have their meal. The Sand storm outside had become firece. 

Considering the location at which this place was hidden, there was no way that lady vinegar was going to find them in time to save the boy's life. 

The Child stared at his captures with innocence, yet, One of the demons, the leader amongst them felt very uneasy looking at the child. 

"i don't like his eyes!" the leader spoke up.