Arcane Pillar Rain

Of course, all these had been amongst the instructions drawn on his body by himself with memory intact. 

Lenny was training himself for the worse situation possible. 

The demon was tired of entertaining this bout, and so it rushed with brute force for Lenny with the weapon in hand. 

At the same time, Lenny went low, crossing the swords above his shoulders, and then like a torpedo, he launched into the air. He spun in the air, his twin Katana's acting like drills the moment he brought them together charged through his opponents attack. 

Holy power was already the bane of darkline Magic. This would have only been offset if by some chance, the Darkline magic that the Demon commander willed was of purer quality than his own. 

But they were both Great Demons of very close ranks. coupled with Lenny's abnormality, the Demon Commander was bound to loss this bout. 

*CRASH!* The blades in his hands broke upon contact with lenny's Katanas.