Naamah's Law

Lenny raised his head to Naamah. Although he had asked a question, his eyes showed that he felt disrespected by one who was beneath him. 

It made Naamah scuffle a bit, "And what if I did?"

"just because I had a little Skin on skin session with you and your sister does not mean I can't let you cheat on me with the edge of my blade."

Those words made the audience gasp. After all there was a lot of information in that one sentence. The fact that Lenny had touched women that were considered untouchable, and also the fact that he was threatening them, who in the minds of these people, were literally gods. 

"D999, just because I and my sister grant you the privilege of worshipping us, a little closer than others does not mean that we wont bury you were you stand." Naamah immediately waved a finger, and instantly, An intricate pattern appeared in the sky, just above lenny's head.