Fall Of Lenny Tales

Throughout the time Lenny had been conversing with the Morningstar, the Satan system had been sending loud alarms to his mind, but all the while, he had been unable to comprehend them. 

Not until this moment. His mind took a peek into the satan system and to his surprise, everything was in shambles. 

Not just that, Anguis had left his storage unit to wrap itself around his soul, holding him in place as the strings from the harp continued to invade his body, mending into his skin, into, his flesh and becoming one with him. 

And then came the flooding of memories. These memories were not his own. No! they belonged to Lucifer and lenny frowned at the horror of the information they held. 

He saw how the Morningstar had truly loved Adam, but that love had Damned him to depths of despair and misery and the things he had done after were not angelic at all.