Enel's Desire

The moment Enel shot the arrow of negative energy, he did not even stay to observe and see if it hit its target. 

Rather, he turned and walked away, back into the castle. 

However, everybody's eyes followed the arrow as it whistled through the air.

At first it seemed like the arrow would not hit its target. After all the Crows moved in a disordered pattern. 

However, as if a crow had been drawn to the edge of the arrow, it flew into the path of the projectile and that was it.

All eyes watched as the crow fell from the heavens to hit the ground with a loud thud.

Every body remained silent for a few more seconds, as they tried to comprehend what was going on. However, it was not so easy to swallow the evidence before their eyes that a three year old had shot down a mystical beast that was surrounded by legends, and he had done that on his first shot.