A new dungeon discovery (7)

I leaped into the air and formed small 'platforms' of air where I treaded making it seem as if I was walking in the air which I kind of was. There were many cursed corpses I could sense yet I stayed away from them, making sure I wouldn't get caught.

Iris and Mio have already killed a cursed corpse with the class of a mage so there aren't too many left to deal with. The cursed corpses on the walls with ranged weaponry were slowly dying down in numbers as well. Everyone was following my orders.

'I take that back, it seems Jayden isn't killing them quietly and is drawing attention to him. If my calculations are correct we should have, with Jayden's noisiness he is creating while killing, about 10 or so minutes until the rest of the cursed corpses realise what is happening and start their retaliation. During this time I should be able to kill two or maybe three cursed corpses if I work fast.' I thought as I sped to the next location.

The first cursed corpse was in a tower, the next in a straw and wood house, this one however was in a small garden area.

'Earth affinity most likely, perhaps they've even managed to attain nature magic. Life magic is ruled out, it's too hard for a human to get it let alone a cursed corpse attaining it. If they managed that then they could pretty much resurrect themselves but still have a corrupt mind.'

I hid in the surrounding bushes of the garden and waited a little for the perfect opening that would allow me to swiftly kill it.

'While I'm alone I should probably make the most of it and train. I could upgrade my skills while I'm at it as well. I'll work on fire since I'm in a location that has an above average temperature as the norm and many fire affinity monsters.' I thought as I kept my eyes on the unsuspecting cursed corpse.

The corpse was currently attending to a flower that had black petals and light grey stem. The leaves were rough looking with jagged edges. Thorns trailed up the stem to the base of the flowers petals.

The corpse was changing the flowers pot so it was replacing the soil with its earth magic. Of course I would take control of their mana and make it my own.

'Become mine, serve me and follow my orders and mine alone. Create a massive flow of dirt, compress it, shape it into a combat doll. Using the hands of the combat doll, grab the corpses neck and snap it. Jab your hand through its skin and crush its crystallised heart and rip out its corrupt brain. Bury the remains, leave no trace.'

The mana instantly got to work and seeing that the cursed corpse didn't have an artifact, I left. There wasn't a chance for it to survive this assault.

I quickly made my way to the next location.

'I'll make a new variant of my fire. I've already gotten an enhanced version by combining it with wind magic but what if I make it burn stronger and harsher.' Reaching the location I wasted no time and created a flame in my palm.

I increased the flames power as much as I could and saw barely any change to it other than the fact it was much stronger than before.

'Should I mix in other elements?' I questioned to myself.

I thought about what I had seen throughout my time in the dungeon and the differences between the flames I had seen, comparing them to my own.

'I did see a black flame before. It was the strongest flame I've seen so far, should I recreate it?' I looked at my flame and began to change it to how I had remembered the black flame I saw previously.

'The colour won't change and the power can't change much more.. what makes it black.. darker.. dark.. Ah I get it. I'll use dark magic and change the colour while adding strength to it with the darkness. I could improve it further though, should I add lightning?' I added dark magic to the mix and the flame rapidly turned black with the centre of the flame being pure white.

Wanting to try adding lightning to the mix, I did exactly that. The lightning surrounded my fire and crackled, sending of sparks that set fire to whatever it touched. The lightning swirled and flickered around the flame, changing the Lightning's colour to a mysterious blue which were both shades. One time it would flicker light blue then the next dark blue, it would constantly change.

My flames strength went up by at least ten fold which would make killing the corpses much easier than before by using my fire instead of their mana.



< skill obtained [Black flames] >

[Black flames]

An upgraded fire created by the host. Lightning surround this fire and adds its speed and lethality to the mix while the dark magic adds the colouring and an excessive amount of strength to the flames.


The corpse only noticed me when the lightning that sparked began setting things on fire and the corpse the instantly spun round on the spot to look at me directly.

"Y- *crk* you dare fight me, *crk* human?" It spoke with its seemingly broken jaw and cracking bones.

"I do dare but its a shame for you, I'm not human." I said as my lightning shot forwards and impaled the corpse in its arms and legs making it drop to the ground.

My fire had the speed of lightning most definitely.

"What *crk* did you do to that flame? It's not *crk* normal at all." It spoke as it attempted to stand but I stabbed Adonis through its back making it almost attached to the rough floor beneath it.

"I made a couple adjustments." I said as I spread my black flames all over the corpses body and burnt it until nothing was left, not even ash.

I heard a bunch of bones clicking together and signals blaring a few seconds after I had killed the cursed corpse mage.

'Jayden must have drawn more attention to himself than I thought. He is being to reckless though I don't care if he dies, it's his fault.' I though before jumping off to meet Iris and Mio.




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy], [Override], [Limit breaker], [Black flames]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Mastered spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - [The anomaly]


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]