Dynamic POV: Xavier Leon Frederick(I)

(Read after reading the normal story chapter; Spring has come.)

[The format used for reading this is the invisible interview crew]

Name: Xavier Leon Frederick

D.O.B: January 15th

Star sign: Capricorn

Height: 5.9

Age: 16

Likes: Women, dirty magazines, jokes, pranks, food, sneakers

Dislikes: killjoys, over-rationalistic characters, plain yogurt

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Dark brown

Hometown: Texas

Usually dresses in a brown jean jacket over a plain grey or black top, complemented by ripped jeans, black shorts or sweatpants.

"So anyways long story short I wasn't selected in the regular lineup for the spring tournament but I still made the cut since I was selected as a sub for the first match. Which I have no problem with but I mean. For a jack of all trades such as myself. I really thought I was needed." Xavier said as he walked to a mirror.

"You know the other day I approached this girl from B class, Vivian was her name and I really liked her so I told her she should meet me after school and that I had something to tell her. Another long story short, she rejected me." Xavier applied cream on his face.

"What's my use to the team? long-term and short-term? hmm." Xavier wiped the cream off his eyes with a towel. "I can do everything required of me as a midfielder, I might not have a special trait like Benjamin or Shin but I know my strengths."

"If so why did Byron replace me on the team roster? that is a decision I don't fully understand but I don't believe Paul would do anything without reason. He must already have a plan in mind for the match against Luthervale."

"Jack of all trades master of none." Xavier looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was an outgoing, carefree type of person and that translated to the type of soccer he played. He doesn't have any grand aspirations such as taking Odeegard's position in his current club but he still wanted to have a use. "Even if it's to keep the defense solid or strengthen the attack. I just want to play, I just want to compete."

Xavier quickly reset his emotions and washed his face. "No No I'm okay, just got a little bit emotional for the camera. You know, for those at home."

"The next time I think I'll play? hmm might be in a while but if I ever get selected, I'll show Paul why I deserve my spot."

"A quick quote before you leave? hmm, can't really think of one off the top of my head... Ok, I got one." Xavier coughed. "Have fun, this won't last forever."