Hyderabad Monarchs

"Can't these South Asians do something more meaningful?" Speaking is Alan's assistant from Delhi University recruited named Andy, who at this time is delivering a suzerainty arrogant commentary that appears to be very? standing and talking.

"The last two years of armed fights between pacifists and Hindus, whether in the earth state or the administered provinces have become much more frequent." Alan put down the cup he was carrying, stood on the sidelines and replied, "This indicates that another round of religious conflict has been brewing, which has a huge relationship with the Indian National Congress Party's Nehru and the PML-N's leader, Ari Jinnah, the conflict is getting more and more intense, affecting the two major religions."

Having said that Allen Wilson kept his mouth shut, which is certainly relevant to Britain, since the First World War, British India has taken the approach of using pacifists to check and balance the Hindus. This is because during World War I, India supported the British in the war, in the hope that Britain would give India the same status as Canada and Australia.

However, Britain broke its word and deliberately elevated the status of the pacifists in order to suppress Indian discontent, not to mention others, and Churchill, now Prime Minister of the British Empire, was one of the initiators of this strategy.

Delayed for a day, except for the crowd to taunt the Indians, this time the armed struggle did not cause much impact, the dead are Indians, and they are all British.

After a week of walking, the party finally arrived in the territory of Hyderabad, and at this time, the army of the Hyderabad native state, had waited to welcome the arrival of the new commissioner of Hyderabad.

The two sides were in harmony, like old friends who had not seen each other for a long time. The Hyderabad native state in South Asia, but the British Empire's old bandwagon party, a partnership that lasted more than three hundred years, laid the birth of British India.

"Distinguished gentleman, it is amazing how young you and your assistants are. Not surprisingly, we will have a long-lasting relationship." After introducing himself, Ali Khan's son smiled in friendship.

"I hope so!" Alan Wilson likewise spoke very politely, as if unaware that the other side's good days were at best only three years, and created a cloud of peace with those who greeted him.

From the Maratha War to the Great Indian Uprising, Alan Wilson tried his best to create an atmosphere of good relations between Britain and the successive rulers of Hyderabad, and when you think about it, he did nothing on his first day in the city of Hyderabad except boast about each other.

The wars that have been going on all over the world seem to have no relevance in this earthen state that has been going on for over two hundred years.

After taking over the British agency in Hyderabad, Alan discovered something that forced him to reassess the status of Hyderabad's native state, and Hyderabad was able to communicate directly with the Indian Affairs Department in London.

The Indian Affairs Department was an important department in Britain, under the leadership of the Secretary of State for India, after all, British India was extremely important to the British Empire's world hegemony, and Britain conducted a number of military operations because of India's security problems. And many military operations, the Hyderabad native state had contributed troops to assist.

But this time the world war, Hyderabad did not contribute anything, the reason is also very simple. Hyderabad's allied forces and role, mainly for the internal British India. That is, what civil unrest in South Asia, only to reflect the value of the emergence of Hyderabad, let it play the role of the Beltway Party, like the World War, the Japanese army threat to British India, there is no Hyderabad earth state to play the role.

I did not think Hyderabad could contact the London side directly, knowing this, Alan Wilson contacted the London side through the telegraph here, indicating that he, the Hyderabad Commissioner, had arrived, returning as well as asking for instructions for the work at the same time.

"Is a mature civil service a good thing or a bad thing?" Looking at the London side of no less than the eight-word return telegram, the corners of Alan Wilson's mouth could not help but twitch, because British India is so important to Britain, in the matter of India, I Great Britain has its own national conditions here, to be able to manage India's departments are not one or two, there is the objective fact of cross-management.

For the moment, there exists the Viceroy of India, the military governor of the Southeast Asia theater, and the Ministry of Indian Affairs, all of which can speak to the matter of British India. Alan Wilson, who has penetrated inside the civil service of the British Empire, knows that the so-called efficiency of the British civil service is fart, except when it comes to tax collection, there is no time to call it efficient.

In the evening, in the area belonging to the British living in Hyderabad, came a local native state soldier, saw Allen Wilson directly single-handedly said, "Mr. Allen, our Maharaja Ali Khan will receive you tomorrow, I came to inform."

"Please reply, Allen will be there on time tomorrow." Knowing the other party's intention, Alan Wilson immediately put away the irritation in his heart and replied calmly, "Establishing a bridge between Hyderabad and London is itself something the commissioner should do."

This is said with great righteousness, as if it really seems to be so general, as for the purpose of the monarch of Hyderabad also do not need to guess, meet each other will naturally say.

The area of Hyderabad is almost the same as the British mainland, with an estimated population of 20 million. Although the monarch, Mir Osman Ali Khan, has a miserly reputation, as the monarch of this state, he lives in a palace that fully reflects the authority of a king of a country, and the palace is huge, with a Middle Eastern style.

In the process, he just faintly heard the sound of chanting, flabbergasted and understood that Mir Osman Ali Khan was a pacifist and should have just worshipped.

Then Alan Wilson met at the palace, the current largest monarch of South Asia, Mir Osman Ali Khan.

Mir Osman Ali Khan himself is short in stature, with a moustache under his nose, and frankly somewhat similar to the head of the Third Reich, as a monarch, he is more like a peasant at the bottom than the monarch with the greatest power in South Asia.

While Alan Wilson was looking at the other side, Mir Osman Ali Khan was also looking at this new commissioner of Hyderabad, his eyes slightly narrowed as he surveyed for a moment and spoke, "Surprisingly so young, I believe New Delhi also attaches great importance to you."

How about valuing gold! Alan Wilson's heart smiled, if he did not arrive in India after leaping old Wilson to dig the Indian gold temple, which has the capital to impress Sir Barron?

"Always have to have a certain ability to work, otherwise Governor Wavell and Sir Barron, will not hastily send me over to come to you." Alan Wilson slightly pause, said softly, "This is like something like money, everyone wants to have, but the ultimate fact is that some people have, some people do not."