Chapter 25 Having an Appointment_1

Zade Radcliffe finally spent 1.3 million to get Otis and the others out.

When they walked out of Azure Percival, the old man hit Otis for the first time.

He used the cane in his hand to fiercely smack Otis's back.

All of this happened while Julius Reed and Quella Radcliffe were on their way home.

No matter how Quella asked, Julius insisted that Sky Reed and Aron Jackson were friends, which was why they had helped out this time.

Although Quella had some doubts, seeing her husband stronger than ever before made her happier than anyone else.

By the time the couple got home, it was already evening.

As soon as Julius opened the door, he saw his father-in-law and mother-in-law sitting on the sofa.

When Knox Ridge heard the door open and lifted her head to look at Julius, her face was indescribably angry.

"Where have you been!"

She asked with a stern face.