Chapter 27 Is There Any Wine Left_1

After coming out of the restroom, Radley Ridge was beaming, a complete contrast to his demeanor just moments before.

"Sorry for that, I just returned to the country and might be having a bit of trouble adjusting."

He looked at Quella Radcliffe with a hint of apology, not bothering to hide the desire in his eyes.


Quella Radcliffe nodded, unconsciously leaning closer to Julius Reed.

"What's everyone having?"

Radley Ridge picked up the menu, asking aloud.

"Son, don't you know what Quella likes to eat? Just order her favorites!"

Mother Ridge winked, signaling to Radley Ridge.

"Exactly! You two grew up together, do you even need to ask?"

Knox Ridge chimed in from the side. If it weren't for Julius Reed out of nowhere, they would have become relatives with the Ridge family long ago.

Now, the more she looked at Radley Ridge, the more agreeable she found him. When she turned her attention to Julius Reed, her irritation only grew.