Chapter 54 Trading_1

"Big brother."

Looking at Maurice Yarrow's expectant face on the screen, Bridger Davenport felt bitter inside.

"How did it go? Was Aron Jackson wiped out?"

On the other end of the phone, a deep voice sounded.

"Big brother, we took a beating!"

Bridger hung his head, his face etched with bitterness.

The Three Blade Group's strategist and the manager of the Gonzalez City branch had bungled the job on their own turf.

Bridger himself couldn't accept such a result.

And accompanying them had been Noah Miller, one of the top three fighters within the group.

Yet, they still lost, utterly and completely!

"What! Say that again?"

On the other side of the video call, Maurice Yarrow's eyes revealed disbelief!

"Bridger, you little bastard, you dare jest with big brother? Speak up, did we succeed or not!"

Subconsciously, he thought Bridger was joking with him.

After all, how could they fail with Noah Miller, a heavy hitter of the Three Blade Group, having rushed to Gonzalez City?