Chapter 174 Will the Master Come After All_1

When mentioning the three words "Willson Pavilion," Miles Cook's eyes stayed on Julius Reed.

She wanted to know what his reaction would be.

After all, based on the previous events, it was clear that Julius Reed was aware of the existence of Willson Pavilion.

But to know about Willson Pavilion and still dare to strike with a lethal hand, what was the reason?

This was enough to pique her curiosity.

However, to Miles Cook's disappointment, from beginning to end, Julius Reed's expression didn't change once.

It was like the calm surface of a lake, without a single ripple.

"Have you come all this way just to tell me this?"

Julius Reed looked into the distance and asked softly, "What's the reason? I did injure your people, and I can assure you, they're ruined for life."

The bodyguards struck without holding back, yet Julius Reed could assess the physical condition of Quantez Springs.