Chapter 188: Three Great Masters_1

"Brayden Leopold, we've all failed, how come you're unscathed!"

Just then, a questioning voice arose.

"That's right! Not a single one of the people we sent out has returned, so why were you able to come back safe and sound?"

"The traitor might be you!"

"The old man already told you not to meddle in Leopold Family affairs, and you dared to act on your own!"

The clan members began to question one after another.

Just as Whitley Leopold was still immersed in the relief of Fernando Leopold's safe return, he suddenly realized that something was amiss.

Indeed, just as everyone said.

Not a single one of the Leopold Family members dispatched had survived!

But why hadn't Brayden Leopold been ambushed, and how was he even able to rescue Fernando Leopold from Stanislaus Potter's employees?

"Brayden, indeed everyone needs an explanation!"

Whitley Leopold asked with a stern face.

This was of critical importance; he couldn't just let Brayden Leopold off easily.