Chapter 273 You Can't Be An Exception_1

Seeing Brayden Leopold's attitude, the eyes of the people around the dining table nearly popped out of their sockets.

Elize Yarrow shamelessly admitted, and Brayden Leopold acted as if he hadn't heard a thing, instead allowing Joel Martin, who had exposed her, to carry the stigma of insulting the Leopold Family.

"Sir, your dishes!"

Just then, a Pearl on the Water waiter came to the table with the dishes in hand.

Seeing the somewhat chaotic scene, he tentatively asked, "Should I serve them now, or..."

"Put them down, everyone's hungry, it's just in time to fill our stomachs!"

Julius Reed waved his hand, and the waiter obediently placed all the dishes on the table.

Then, one by one, the remaining dishes were also presented.

The culinary skills at Pearl on the Water were first-rate; at least the smell of the food made one's appetite surge.

But at this juncture, who was in the mood to eat?