Chapter 365: I'll Help You Save Face_1

"Still so defiant in the face of death!"


Sterling Fairbanks slapped Quella Radcliffe across the face, "Disgusting woman, I've changed my mind. Your ex-husband won't be killed just yet. After he's been tormented enough, I want him to watch, eyes wide open, as you're under me, being enjoyed. Haha! That feeling, I think Julius Reed will like it very much."

After speaking, he looked at Quella Radcliffe with a face full of malevolence, "I heard you two have been married for many years without ever consummating the relationship? What a treat for me, then. Such beauty, completely untouched, the thought alone is thrilling!"

If it weren't for Julius Reed not showing up, he really would have wanted to find a place to enjoy himself first.

Quella Radcliffe was different from other women, she did not carry the aura of the streets, which made her even more attractive.

"You will die a very horrible death! My husband will surely kill you!"