Chapter 372: Strong Man?_1


"Bran Cook!"

Upon seeing the handsome man, Flower Falls and Hampton Ridge quickly stood up and said with obsequious smiles, "Just now I was thinking, why is there a surge of handsomeness approaching us? I guess it's Bran Cook coming over, and sure enough, it's you!"

"Yeah, yeah! With such a presence, Bran Cook, who knows how many young ladies you'll charm tonight!"

The two didn't hide their bootlicking when they saw Bran Cook.

They were just short of stripping naked and lying down on Bran Cook's bed voluntarily.

Of course, if Bran Cook nodded his approval, they would hate not to rush over immediately.

"Haha, you two flatter me. Cook here is but poorly learned and only gets by with the help of friends," Bran Cook said with a chuckle. Today, he was dressed in a black tailcoat and with neatly trimmed short hair, and the unique fragrance of his cologne instantly attracted the eyes of many women.