Chapter 393 When Is It Your Turn To Question_1

As she stepped down from the Maybach, Quella Radcliffe seemed like a walking corpse.

Her steps were heavy and unfocused as she tried to recall the details of the entire negotiation.


There were no details.

She had stumbled over her words halfway through when Vernon Ridge actually agreed outright.

And said he would send over the contract.

And after he got out of the car, the Maybach sped away instantly.

"Is this real?"

Quella Radcliffe pinched herself, and it still hurt, a lot.

What was the reason? How had it come to this?

It was too absurd!

By the time she walked into the clubhouse, Bran Cook was still worried.

But when he saw Quella Radcliffe's soulless demeanor, he immediately beamed with joy.

"I don't know how President Radcliffe's negotiation went? I was ready to get down on my knees."

Bran Cook came down from the podium, smiling broadly, "Of course, I'm not about to apologize on my knees, but to propose to you!"