Chapter 405: Proactive Lending_1


When Quella Radcliffe heard this, she didn't react at first.

Wasn't it about debt collection?

Could she have heard wrong?

The others were also stunned.

But they soon realized, it must be about the debt, and their ears must have deceived them.

"President Clark, the Radcliffe Group actually owes your bank ten billion?"

Bran Cook frowned slightly, he hadn't expected the Radcliffe Group to be in so much debt; according to preliminary estimates, the company's market value was only around ten billion or so.

If they owed Celestial Bank alone ten billion, what about the other banks?

How much money would that add up to!

"President Clark, I am the Radcliffe Group's Chief Financial Officer, Dempsey Davenport. I am very clear about the company's finances. The Radcliffe Group does have debt with Celestial Bank, but it's only three billion."

Dempsey Davenport approached Darius Clark and emphasized again, "Not the ten billion you mentioned."