
Zayn was now standing in the middle of the scattered remains of a few hundred Goblin Skeletons. His chest heaved up and down heavily and breathing through the black bandages was not easy either.

He was having a hard time but all of that was somehow acceptable since he got to devour a massive amount of soul particles. In fact, he was not yet done absorbing the soul particles since his heart couldn't easily anex thousands of soul particles at once.

The battle against the undead army was not yet concluded, which was also why Zayn ended up distributing a quarter of the soul particles from inside his body to the Herculean and Agile Human Spirit. They had done a great job and deserved to be well rewarded. And, the increase in strength would be a perfect reward as it would only help Zayn in the future.

Zayn was just about to reconsider joining the fight on the battlefield once again when he saw something that caused his pupils to dilate.