
Cold sweat trickled down his back and temples, plastering his shirt to his skin.

After blocking Merlin's barrage of slashes for more than three minutes it was only obvious that he was sweating like a pig.

However, that didn't really help him in winning against Merlin. He was not yet feeling sore but it was only a matter of time before he continued like this.

Merlin wouldn't feel tired out so easily. The Longdua Saber might be a weapon that was usually wielded with two hands but the weapon's weight was not too taxing for a person like Merlin.

'What should I do?' Zayn asked himself with a tinge of desperation and frustration. He was trying to seek an opening in Merlin's defenses but there didn't seem to be anything. He was not too sure how that was possible because Merlin had one particular glaring disadvantage.