
"That may be useful for later!" Zayn mumbled, slightly excited.

The three Spirits found several deposits of ores that could be mined and sold for a hefty price. However, Zayn was quite wealthy right now and he didn't intend to spend his time turning himself and his Spirits into miners.

Mining the ore deposits would take way too long. Furthermore, there might be powerful monsters in the deeper parts of the cave. He didn't want to wake them through the commotion he would make from mining.

The chances of powerful monsters to be down there were pretty high because none of his Spirits found any monsters before they returned to their master. That could have multiple meanings, but the simplest Zayn could come up with was that he had entered the territory of a powerful monster that didn't really like beings intruding on its' space.

Thus, he ordered his Spirits to destroy the cavern tunnels, just to make sure that no monster would reach him from one of the three cavern tunnels.