Normie Leader

"It's a trap, prepare for battle!" The loud voice of a young man calmly resounded.

The moment the six humans emerged in the clearing, they figured that something was wrong.

Two of them saw the corpse of the Lesser Earth Dragon, and their bodies tensed up. It was only thanks to their leader that they didn't fall prey to panic.

"Don't panic. They're coming!" His voice rang out from behind them, attracting their attention.

Prepared for battle, the six humans got into formation and adjust their stance calmly upon seeing the three Trolls that emerged from different directions.

"Good Job, detecting them, Jeremy!" One of the Blessed praised their leader, Jeremy, with a faint smile on his lips.

The Blessed held his longsword tightly and the Stigma on the back of his right hand began to glow in a fierce red. Blazing flames burst out of the Stigm, mantling the Blessed's right arm and his longsword.