Liberation War - Demon (2)

Zayn pulled the Dragontale Twin Sabers out of the Demon Adel he killed. He lifted his head and looked in the direction of the Infernal Demons.

The corners of his lips curled upward, and Zayn lifted one of the sabers to point them at his opponents.

At the same time, ice-cold energy emanated from the other Dragontale Saber which he slashed to the side. More than a dozen Demon Overlords died from the glacier slash he nonchalantly released, and a dozen Demon Overlord Spirits manifested only moments later.

The terror caused by Inferno, Thunder, Bulk, and the three Infernals resulted in the death of thousands. Zayn used his control of Soul Wisps to extract the deceased's Soul Essences and manifest their Spirits one after another.

Slowly but steadily, the number of his Spirits increased, and it wouldn't even take half an hour before ten thousand powerful Spirits would fight by his side.