Chapter 14. Banquet

After my proposal, as expected, Rachel sent me to all four sides in the brightest colors.

Although, what was I counting on?

From the outside, this idea really sounded quite absurd. And it's not even that we were both girls, because this particular point was not specified in the rules of the banquet in any way. The problem was that we didn't look at each other at all.

A couple consisting of the most popular girl of the academy and a general outcast seemed completely unthinkable at first glance. If we had appeared together as partners, it would probably have caused a huge shock to others.

There was no need to say that an ordinary couple, in principle, should consist of a man and a woman.

Although, it didn't really bother me.

In the end, there was no clear prohibition on such a thing, and we could come together as friends. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

It's nothing strange if two ladies came to an event where they usually come with a couple in each other's company. In the end, no one canceled a strong female friendship.

Even if Rachel and I hadn't reached that level of relationship yet, I believed that everything was ahead of us. I was ready to make an effort to do this every day until the stone wall between us collapsed.

And since this time the girl rudely and irrevocably refused me, I found no other way out but to honestly confess everything.

In order not to offend anyone, I decided to refuse both. Wouldn't that be fair?

However, on the day of the banquet, I couldn't find either Phil or Blake. They seemed to have disappeared somewhere at the same time.

I was already noticeably nervous, because it would have been too awkward if all three of us had accidentally bumped into each other during the ball. Then, I wouldn't have been able to refuse them as tactfully as I originally planned.

I was looking for both of them until the last, until there was absolutely no time left. In the end, I decided to just give up on it, and went to the banquet in the hope that everything would work out.

Maybe they have urgent business, and they won't be able to come at all? Perhaps, in such a situation, this would be the best outcome.

If Phil and Blake don't come, everything will be much simpler. I won't even have to offend anyone with my refusal!

I felt a huge relief that this burden finally fell off my shoulders.

It seems that fate really favors me. With joyful impatience, I headed to the holiday, where I was going to have fun from the bottom of my heart.

The Royal Academy had its own banquet hall, built just for this kind of event. In real life, it was no different from what it was in the imperial palace, and I was even amazed at how gorgeous the room was equipped for a school holiday.

Everything sparkled with gold and jewels, there was a stunning buffet and a huge ballroom dancing room. The teenagers were dressed in expensive outfits from famous masters of the kingdom, which only made this picture look more like some kind of social event.

Even if a person came without a couple, he still could not help but enjoy such an event. This also concerned me.

Everything that was happening fascinated me so much that I even forgot about the purpose with which I came here for a certain period of time. Prince Philip and Razor were supposed to open this banquet with a welcoming speech and dance with their partners. This is what all the people here were waiting for.

What can I hide, I myself was waiting for this most of all.

The thought that very soon I would say goodbye to my main fear undoubtedly inspired me. As they usually say, people are only afraid of the unknown, and this evening it will cease to be so for me.

One glance will be enough for me to be able to avoid them forever. There's no way I'm going to let the plot of this damn novel drag me into such a mess!

We ran into the wrong one.

As soon as I meet Prince Philip, I will make sure that he will never pay attention to me in his life. And Razor will turn away from the sight of me at all.

Yes, that's exactly how it will be.

I felt like a winner who was able to deceive everyone and get away with it. But that was just the beginning. I wonder how many more feats to save this world I will perform in the future?

Being in the middle of a noisy crowd of people, I stood at the table with special delight and drank cherry punch. Maybe I can dance with someone at this banquet?

Otherwise, it will be too insulting if, in addition to revealing the identities of the princes, my evening will be so plain.

I even regretted that I didn't stick to Rachel like a sheet of paper, trying to persuade her to come with me. I knew she didn't like such events, but I had to try. And in the end, Rachel really didn't come…

I sighed, thinking that she was all alone in the library. But then she immediately slapped her cheeks. And what else do I think about her…? It's my own fault that I didn't agree!

The official start of the autumn ball was to take place at nine o'clock in the evening. It was by this time that the hall was already overflowing with students, of whom most of all the students of the academy came.

When almost all the initial conversations subsided, all attention was turned to the stage where the academy director came out.

— Dear students, I am glad to welcome you to today's event! — The man began cordially, — As you all know, banquets are an integral part of the history of our academy. This day will be a new stage, thanks to which you will be able to get to know each other better and get your first experience in social events…

And healthy again.

I even regretted that I couldn't rewind this boring monologue like in some video game.

I had to be patient before the director finally moved on to the final part, and summed up:

— …Well, now, I want to invite to this stage those who are the first persons of the royal Academy. It is a great honor for us that Their Highnesses will be our students for the next three years. And today, they cordially agreed to open this ball for you! Please welcome them!

There was a storm of applause, and I squinted attentively when two figures of young guys came on stage from behind the scenes. Because of the people in front of me, who were already jumping up and down with excitement, I could hardly see what was happening there.

Finally, concentrating, and having managed to shake some of them, I turned my attention there.

At that moment, I really only needed one look to understand…

What a fool I am.