Chapter 50. The Crown Princess

As soon as I entered the throne room, the tall golden doors behind me slammed shut immediately.

I was a little surprised, but I decided to put away my initial concern. I walked slowly down the red carpet, getting closer and closer to the imperial throne, which was at the end of the hall.

Up to this point I was quite sure of myself, as I expected to just say a quick hello and walk away. Maxie was still waiting for me outside the gate, so I didn't want to worry her too much.

I stopped a few feet away, still not looking up, and curtsied and said:

— Greetings, Your Majesty.

The reply was immediate.

— You are late.

I felt an electric shock at those words. It… It wasn't Philip's voice!

I looked up in shock to find that the crown prince wasn't on the imperial throne at all. It was the person I least expected to be here.